Projects & Viva

One of the most exciting things about doing a post graduate course in management is the prospect of doing an internship or a summer project.  

 Project work is the best way to practice the subject learning. 
The purpose of including project work in a post graduate course is to provide the student with an opportunity to investigate a problem applying management concepts in a scientific manner.  
It enables the student to apply his/her conceptual knowledge in a practical situation and to learn the art of conducting a study in a systematic way and presenting the findings in a clear and lucid fashion. A project is a scientific and systematic study of real issue or a problem intended to be resolved using management concepts. The problem can be big or small. If possible the problem should be picked up from the specialization that the student would opt.The essential requirement of a project is that it should scientific collection, analysis and interpretation of data leading to valid conclusions. 

How to chose your project title

The first step of the project work is to choose a suitable topic for the study. This choice will be entirely personal emerging from the student’s area of interest. There can be more than one topic in each area. When faced with a wide choice, a discussion with classmates or supervisor/guide/mentor can help in narrowing down the choice through a process of elimination. 
While selecting a topic, students should take into consideration the organization and the opportunity to generate relevant data. The organisation chosen for a project should be given lot of thinking about. The organisation that is chosen should be a well-known company. 

It becomes important because in the job interview the student would be asked questions about project work. Project work most probably is the only original work that has been undertaken in the entire two year management course.  These projects can be carried out in

  • Corporate Entity
  • NGO
  • SME
  • Government Undertaking
  • Cooperative Sector
the project may be a research project - based on primary/secondary data or may be an operational assignment involving working by the student on a given tasks/assignment/project/etc. in an organization/industry. It is expected that the project shall sensitize the students to the demands of the workplace. The learning outcomes and utility to the organization must be specifically highlighted.

The project report should be well documented and supported by-

  1. Executive Summary
  2. Organization Profile
  3. Outline of the problem/task undertaken
  4. Research methodology and data analysis(in case of research projects only)
  5. Relevant activity charts, tables, graphs, diagrams, etc.
  6. Learning of the student through the project
  7. Contribution to the host organization
  8. Reference in appropriate styles (APA, MLA, Harvard, Chicago style etc)

The questions that any student should ask before selecting a project 

  • Will the implementation of the project bring about an improvement in the present status of an activity and can this improvement be quantified? 
  • Does the project have underlying management principle, frame work or model based on which the data is collected, analyzed and arguments developed? 
  • Is the project idea applicable in other similar situation? Does the project report use factual industry data, which is relevant to the particular situation? 

Some do’s and don’ts to follow while undergoing project work in the organization 

  • Be punctual. Punctuality is a hygiene factor. If the student is punctual no one comments, but if he/she is late it would definitely be commented about 
  • Dress appropriately. It the employees wear formal dress, students should dress formally too. When in Rome do as Romans do
  •  Do not indulge in office gossip. The student should remember he/she is in that organization only for two months.
  •  Use office resources carefully and do not take office stationery home with you Be careful about which information can be collected and which can’t be collected. Always take permission about which information can be used. Once some sensitive information is used it subsequently becomes a part of a project report which can be accessed by general public.
  •  Please give a small token of appreciation to the Industry guide for all the help and cooperation. It can be a small pen or a small table top item but it would be appreciated.
  •  Send a ‘thank you’ e-mail followed by a formal letter of thanks signed by the head of the institute. 

Viva-voce:  Literally, "viva voce" means by or with the living voice - i.e., by word of mouth as opposed to writing. So the viva examination is where you will give a verbal defence of your thesis.

Put simply, you should think of it as a verbal counterpart to your written Project report. 

Purpose of Viva- voce:

  • demonstrate that the project is your own work
  • confirm that you understand what you have written and can defend it verbally
  • investigate your awareness of where your original work sits in relation to the wider research field
  • establish whether the project is of sufficiently high standard to merit the award of the degree for which it is submitted
  • allow you to clarify and develop the written project in response to the examiners' questions

The Examiners and Exam Chair

You will normally have two examiners:
  • an internal examiner who will be a member of academic staff of the University, usually from your School/Department 
  • an external examiner who will normally be a member of academic staff of another institution or occasionally a professional in another field with expertise in your area of research 
Normally no one else is present in the exam.
Managers are expected to be good communicators. Budding managers are not only tested in the examination halls about the conceptual skills but are also tested for communication skills. This takes the form of the Viva-voce. Viva-voce would be held at the end of each semester/trimester. Mostly important Viva-voce in the placement process takes the form of a placement interview.

 Do’s and Don’ts for being successful in Viva-Voce/Interview 

  • Wear a good and clean dress; remember first impressions are the best impressions For god’s sake no bad odour. Invest in a good deodorant For men dark trousers and light shirt with a tie is a very appropriate dress. See to that you wear formal shoes and that your hair is combed properly and that you are cleanly shaved For the women any appropriate dress will do. If you are comfortable in saree do wear it. You would appear more mature 
  • If the door is closed, knock,wait for at least five seconds before you enter the room Wish all the members a cheerful “Good morning” Wait till any one of the examiner/interviewer asks you to sit down Sit down and say thank you. Sit upright and don’t slouch in the chair. Don’t put hands on the table (you might drum the table. A definite sign of nervousness) Don’t cross your legs (another sign of defensiveness). Sit upright, put your chin up and show that you are a confident person and that you are going to enjoy the viva-voce 
  • Listen carefully and don’t interrupt Answer clearly and audibly. Don’t mumble Don’t try to bluff or tell lies. The examiner will catch you out Even if you don’t agree with the examiner don’t argue. Nobody has got better marks or made a good impression by arguing 
  • Don’t make irritating noises like dragging of chairs, hitting the table with your pen or coughing. These irritate the examiners
  •  Always maintain eye contact. Not maintaining eye contact would means insecurity or telling lies
  •  Always try to illustrate what you say with examples. Examiners appreciate when you lace theory with examples Don’t show that you are nervous. 
  • Keep smiling and at the end say thank the examiners for their time as you exit the interview room

Sample Question for Viva Voce:

Q1. What is your project? Explain your project in 50 words.
Q2. What are the objective of the project?
Q3. Explain research Methodology of your project?
Q4. What is the sample size of your project?
Q5. What is the sample universal of your project?
Q6. What is the limitation of your project?
Q7. What is the future scope of your project?
Q8. What you concluded in your project?
Q9. What is your recommendation with respect to the objective of your project?
Q10 Have u prepared any questionnaire or not?if your project conclusion is deduced from the questionnaire or not.
Q11. Tell me what you learned from your project?

Q12. Why did you choose this project?
Q13.Were the objectives addressed?

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