A worker does not work for money
only. Non-financial rewards such as affection and respect for co-workers are
also important factors. The emphasis was on employee-centered, democratic and
participative style of supervisory leadership as this is more effective than
task centered leadership. This approach was however criticized for its emphasis
on the importance of symbolic rewards and not on material rewards. The belief
of this approach that an organization can turn into one big happy family where
it is always possible to find solutions which satisfies everybody has also been
Behavioral Approach:
An approach that recognizes the
practical and situational constraints on human rationality for making
Behavioral scientists attach
great importance to participative and group decision making. They are highly
critical of the classical organization structures built on traditional concepts
and prefer more flexible organization structures.
Two major theorists, Abraham
Maslow and Douglas Mcgregor, came forward with ideas that managers found
Abraham Maslow:
He developed the theory of
motivation that was based on three assumptions. First, human beings have needs
that are never completely satisfied. Second, human action is aimed at
fulfilling the needs that are satisfied at a given point in time. Third, needs
fit into a hierarchy, ranging from basic and lower level needs at the bottom to
higher level needs at the top.
Douglas McGregor:
He developed a concept of Theory
X versus Theory Y dealing with possible assumptions that managers make about
workers. Theory X managers tend to assume that workers are lazy, need to be
coerced, have little ambition and are focused mainly on security needs. Theory
Y managers assume that workers do not inherently dislike work, are capable of
self control, have capacity to be creative and innovative and generally have
higher level needs. This approach helped managers develop a broader perspective
on the nature of workers and new alternatives for interacting with them.
Quantitative Approach:
An approach that focuses on the
use of quantitative tools for managerial decision making.
The quantitative management
viewpoint focuses on the use of mathematics, statistics and information aids to
supports managerial decision making and organizational effectiveness. Three
main branches have evolved: operations research, operations management and
management information systems.
Operations Research:
Operations Research is an
approach aimed at increasing decision effectiveness through the use of
sophisticated mathematical models and possibilities as they can accomplish
extensive calculation. Some operations research tools are linear programming,
querying, waiting line, routing and distribution models.
Operations management:
Operation management is a field
that is responsible for managing the production and delivery function of an
organization’s products and services. Operations management is generally
applied to manufacturing industries and uses tools such as inventory analysis,
statistical quality control, networking etc.
Management Information System:
Management Information System
refers to the designing and implementing computer based information systems for
use by the management. Such systems turn raw data into information that is
required and useful to various levels of management.
Contingency Approach:
A view point which believes that
appropriate managerial action depends on the peculiar nature of every
This approach is a viewpoint
which argues that there is no best way to handle problems. Managerial action
depends on the particular situation. Hence, rather than seeking universal
principles that apply to every situation, this theory attempts to identify
contingency principles that prescribe actions to take depending on the
Systems Approach to management:
Systems theory is an approach
based on the notion that organizations can be visualized as systems. A system
is a set of interrelated parts that operate as a whole in pursuit of common
goals. Every system has four major components:
1. Inputs are the various
resources required to produce goods and services.
2. Transformation processes are the organization managerial and technological abilities that are applied to convert inputs into outputs.
3. Outputs are the products, services and other outcomes produced by the organization.
4. Feedback is information about results and organizational status relative to the environment.
2. Transformation processes are the organization managerial and technological abilities that are applied to convert inputs into outputs.
3. Outputs are the products, services and other outcomes produced by the organization.
4. Feedback is information about results and organizational status relative to the environment.
Resources: (1) Human (2)
Materials (3) Equipment (4) Financial (5) Informational
Managerial and Technological
Abilities: (1) Planning (2) Organizing (3) Leading (4) Controlling (5)
Outcomes: (1) product and
services (2) Profits and losses (3) Employee growth and satisfaction.
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