Thursday, June 19, 2014

Management and its practices MCQ

1.which of the following is the meaning of human resource planning?
d) it is the process by which an organisation ensures that it has the right number and kind of people at the right place, at the right time.
2.Which of the following concepts are not associated with scientific management?
c) Mental revolution & Unity of command
3.The main difference between delegation and decentralization are:
c) delegation involves transfer of authority and not responsibility; where as decentralization involves transfer of authority and responsibility and distribution authority can place at will while in decentralization it requires a legal action
4. what does authority means?
c) the lower levels have to pursue the goals laid down by higher levels and the upper levels of hierarchy set the goals to be pursued.
5) the managers did not like the scientific management theory because
d) they felt that the rigid scientific methods will take away their managerial freedom in decision making.
6) an informal organization is
d) not written, not portrayed on organizational charts, a set of work relationship that grow out of the mutual interactions of persons working together over a period of time and customary, not enacted.
7.informal communication network within the organization is known as
a) grapevine communication
8. Arrange the following ingredients of communication process in the proper order
c) encoder-message-channel-decoder-receiver
9. Taylor whose thoughts go under the name of scientific management made two assumptions
a) the application of the methods of science to organizational problems leads to higher industrial efficiency and the incentive of high wage will promote the mutuality of interest between workers and managers which in turn, will lead to higher productivity.
10. effective supervision is an activity of
c) direction function
11. hierarchy has been described as the scalar process by
d) Gullick and Urwick
12 "hierarchy consists in the universal application of the superior subordinate relationship through a number of levels of responsibility reaching from top to the bottom of the structure."
This observation is attributed to
b) L D White
13 "focus on social environment " is related to
b) human relations
14 the term 'general system theory' owes its origin to
c) Lundurg Von Bertalanffy
15. ................. has been defined as the means of  'conferring authority from one executive or organization unit to another'
c) delegation
16. the scientific management theory is based upon which of the following assumption?
b) application of the scientific methods to organizational problems leads to efficiency, the good worker is one who accepts orders but does not initiates actions, and each worker is interested in maximizing his monetary rewards.
17. who is the author of "the function of the executive "?
a) Cester Bernard
17. who popularized the behavioral approach to organization?
b) H Simon
18. By behavioral sciences we mean the discipline of anthropology, psychology, and sociology- minus and plus. who made the assertion?
b) Berelson and Steiner

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