Wednesday, June 4, 2014

MCQ's Human Resource Management

1.Which of the following Principles of management was not given by Fayol?

  1. Unity of direction
  2. Subordination of individual interest to common interest
  3. Stability of tenure
  4. Standardization

 2. Arrange different phases of Hawthorne experiment in right sequence
a) Relay assembly test room experiments b) Bank wiring test c) Illumination Experiment d) Personal Counselling e) Mass interview Program

  1. a,b,c,d,e
  2. c,a,e,b,d
  3. c,b,e,a,d
  4. e,d,c,b,a
3) Delphi technique is used in
  1. organizing
  2. operating
  3. staffing
  4. forecasting
4) Narrow span of control results into 
  1. tall structure
  2. flat structure
  3. mechanistic structure
  4. all of these
5) Which of the following is correct about Grapevine?

  1. It tends to exist when members of formal group know one another well
  2. It is the result of social forces at the work place
  3. It is more common in time of high organizational excitement
  4. All of the above
6) Which of the following concepts is developed on Unitarianism, individualism, high commitment and strategic alignment
  1. Personnel Management
  2. Human resource management
  3. Industrial Relations
  4. Personnel Administration 
7)Human Resource Planning Include
  1. Scenario Planning
  2. Action Planning
  3. Demand and supply Forecast
  4. All of the above
8) Which one is not a part of recruitment process?
  1. Determining Requirements
  2. Planning recruitment campaign
  3. Attracting candidates
  4. Selecting candidates
9) Which one is not a non quantitative job evaluation method?

  1. Ranking Method
  2. Grading Method
  3. Point rating method
  4. Job classification method
10) Consider the following punishments in disciplinary actions
a) Warning b) Demotion c) Censure d) Dismissal
Which of the above fall under minor punishment?

  1. a&b
  2. a,b&c
  3. a&c
  4. a,b&d

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