Friday, June 13, 2014

Questions with Answers on Java syntax and style

Questions with Answers on Java syntax and style
Explain the Syntax and style in a programming language.
 What are Comments, Reserved words and programmer defined names?
What are Statements, braces, blocks and indentation?
What are Syntax errors, run-time errors, logic errors.

Questions with Answers on Data types, variables, and arithmetic
What are Variable and a data type in JAVA.
Explain Declarations of variables in JAVA.
Explain Fields vs. local variables.
What are Primitive data types in JAVA?
What are Literal and symbolic constants?
Explain the Initialization of variables in JAVA?
What is the Scope of variables in JAVA?
Explain the Arithmetic expressions in JAVA.
What are Data types in arithmetic expressions?
 Explain the cast operator and the compound assignment (+ =, etc.).
 Explain the increment and decrement operators(++, --).

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