Monday, July 7, 2014

What are the different activities of Financial service industry?

The financial intermediaries in India can be traditionally classified into two:
(i) Capital market intermediaries and
(ii) Money market intermediaries.

The capital market intermediaries consist of term lending institutions and investing institutions which mainly provide long term funds. On the other hand, money market consists of commercial banks, co-operative banks and other agencies which supply only short term funds. Hence, the term ‘financial services industry’ includes all kinds of organizations which intermediate and facilitate financial transactions of both individuals and corporate customers.

Financial services cover a wide range of activities. They can be broadly classified into two namely:
(i) Traditional activities
(ii) Modern activities

Traditional activities
Traditionally, the financial intermediaries have been rendering a wide range of services encompassing both capital and money market activities. They can be grouped under two heads viz;
(i) Fund based activities and
(ii) Non-fund based activities
Fund based activities : The traditional services which come under fund based activities are the following:
(i) Underwriting of or investment in shares, debentures, bonds etc. of new issues (primary market activities)
(ii) Dealing in secondary market activities.
(iii) Participating in money market instruments like commercial papers, certificate of deposits, treasury bills, discounting of bills etc.
(iv) Involving in equipment leasing, hire purchase, venture capital, seed capital etc.
(v) Dealing in foreign exchange market activities.
Non-fund based activities : Financial intermediaries provide services on the basis of non-fund activities also. This can also be called “fee based” activity. Today, customers whether individual or corporate are not satisfied with mere provision of finance. They expect more from financial service companies. Hence, a wide variety of services, are being provided under this head. They include the following :

(i) Managing the capital issues i.e., management of pre-issue and post-issue activities relating to the capital issue in accordance with the SEBI guidelines and thus enabling the promoters to market their issues.
(ii) Making arrangements for the placement of capital and debt instruments with investment institutions.
(iii) Arrangement of funds from financial institutions for the clients’ project cost or his working capital requirements.
(iv) Assisting in the process of getting all Government and other clearances.

Modern activities
Besides the above traditional services, the financial intermediaries render innumerable services in recent times. Most of them are in the nature of non-fund based activity. In view of the importance, these activities have been discussed in brief under the head ‘New financial products and services’. However, some of the modern services provided by them are given in brief here under:
(i) Rendering project advisory services right from the preparation of the project report till the raising of funds for starting the project with necessary Government approval.
(ii) Planning for mergers and acquisitions and assisting for their smooth carry out.
(iii) Guiding corporate customers in capital restructuring.
(iv) Acting as Trustees to the debenture-holders.
(v) Recommending suitable changes in the management structure and management style with a view to achieving better results.
(vi) Structuring the financial collaboration/joint ventures by identifying suitable joint venture partner and preparing joint venture agreement.
(vii) Rehabilitating and reconstructing sick companies through appropriate scheme of reconstruction and facilitating the implementation of the scheme.
(viii) Hedging of risk due to exchange rate risk, interest rate risk, economic risk and political risk by using swaps and other derivative products.
(ix) Managing the portfolio of large Public Sector Corporations.
(x) Undertaking risk management services like insurance services, buy-back options etc.
(xi) Advising the clients on the question of selecting the best source of funds taking into consideration the quantum of funds required, their cost, lending period etc.
(xii) Guiding the clients in the minimization of the cost of debt and in the determination of the optimum debt-equity mix.
(xiii) Undertaking services relating to the capital market such as:
(a) Clearing services,
(b) Registration and transfers,
(c) Safe-custody of securities,
(d) Collection of income on securities.
(xiv) Promoting credit rating agencies for the purpose of rating companies which want to go public by the issue of debt instruments

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