Tuesday, July 1, 2014

What do you mean by employee behavior? What are the different factors affecting the employee behavior?

There is a certain way individuals behave in a particular situation. No two individuals behave in similar ways. There are individuals who find it difficult to handle stress whereas there are certain individuals who have the ability to face unforeseen circumstances with a smile.
Employee behavior is defined as an employee’s reaction to a particular situation at workplace. Employees need to behave sensibly at workplace not only to gain appreciation and respect from others but also to maintain a healthy work culture. One needs to adhere to the rules and regulations of workplace. Remember, Office is not a place where you can shout on fellow workers, spread rumors, criticize your Boss and so on. You just can’t afford to be rude with your team members. Be polite and speak softly. Do not forget that you are not the only one working; there are other people around as well. Some people have a tendency to have their lunch at their workstations only. Such a behavior is completely unprofessional.
There are several internal as well as external factors affecting employee behavior. Let us go through them in detail:


Managers and leaders play an important role in influencing the behavior of individuals at workplace. It is the responsibility of leaders to set a direction for team members. In majority of the cases, it has been observed that employees do not feel like going to work when they have strict bosses. You need to stand by your team always. Guide them and help them in their day to day operations and help them acquire new skills and upgrade their knowledge. Make them feel important. As a leader, you need to be a strong source of inspiration for your subordinates. If you do not reach office on time, how can you expect your team members to adhere to the rules and regulations of organization?
Job Responsibilities
Effective Communication
Family and Personal Life
Relationship at Work

Male employees need to respect their female counterparts. Never ever think of sexually harassing your female team members. Such a behavior is unethical and not at all acceptable at workplace. One complaint from them and your career is finished. Avoid making lewd comments, physical advances or touching them. An individual’s behavior has lot to do with his upbringing and family background. A child who has been brought up in a decent family where females are respected and thought to be equal would never even in his wildest dreams think of abusing female colleagues.
It is completely unethical to steal office property. Why do you have to take office stationery to home? Office stationery (pens, pencils, stapler, eraser, punching machine, glue and so on) are meant to be used only in offices and nowhere else. Avoid damaging office property. Remember, if you do not respect your organization, you will not get respect in return.
Employees need to understand that some information is confidential and should not be discussed with anyone. Never break your manager’s trust. Do not disclose your team’s strategies or internal policies to others just because they are your friends. Some people tend to submit fake bills to claim more money than actual. Individuals with such a behavior find it extremely difficult to survive in the long run. What is the use of submitting wrong bills? Believe me, if you are caught, you will lose in your job in no time. Such a behavior will not only tarnish an individual’s image but also speak ill of his family background and upbringing.
Why do you have to use your office computer for online shopping, watching movies, paying cell phone bills, internet bills and so on? Do not store your personal photographs or information in office computer. Avoid browsing objectionable websites at workplace. If your office people have blocked certain sites, they must have done it for some reasons. Please do not try to open blocked sites using through proxy server and fake passwords. Rather than wasting our energy on unproductive things, it is always good if we concentrate on our work.
Employees need to feel comfortable at workplace for them to stay positive and happy. Rules and regulations should be same for everyone. Employees ought to be encouraged to respect their reporting bosses and follow the code of ethics. Do not have complicated reporting systems. Transparency at all levels is essential. You must know what your team member is up to and vice-a-versa. Job security is one of the most crucial factors affecting employee behavior. Stand by your team at the times of crisis. Do not throw them out during bad times. Believe me, they will never leave you.
Employees should be asked to do what best they can perform. Do not overburden employees. Encourage them to upgrade their skills from time to time.
Managers need to communicate effectively with team members. The moment, employees feel left out, they lose interest in work. They need to have a say in organization’s major decisions. Let them express their views and come out with their problems. Grievances need to be addressed immediately.
Trust me, if you fight with your family members or relatives in the morning, you feel restless the whole day. It has been observed that individuals with a troubled background or problematic family life tend to behave irrationally at workplace. Employees who have strained relationships with family members like to sit till late at work and spoil the entire work culture. Individuals from very poor families also have a habit of stealing office stationery and taking things to home. Conflicts in personal life lead to stress and irrational behavior. Also, individuals should try not to bring their personal problems to work. Try to keep your personal and professional life separate.
It is necessary to have friends at the workplace. You need people around to talk to, discuss and share experiences. It is really not possible to work in isolation. Not allowing employees to interact with fellow workers leads to frustration and stress at workplace. Avoid arguing with team members

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