Monday, June 23, 2014

Discuss Behavioral Approach of management.

The behavioral approach views the enterprise as a social organism. It is termed as behavioral sciences approach because it adopts a multi-dimensional and inter-disciplinary study of employees behavior applying principles from behavioral sciences like psychology, sociology and anthropology. The objective is not only to study, but to predict the future behavior of employees. Motivation, leadership, communication, group dynamics and participative management are inbuilt in this approach, as means of securing better employee performance and willing release extra energy towards contribution to the accepted goals of the organisation. Several sociologists and psychologists like Abraham H. Maslow, Douglass McGregor, Frederic Herzberg, Chris Argyris etc. have contributed towards the development and enrichment of this approach.
The main propositions of behavioral science approach can be summarized as under.

1.   An organisation is a socio-technical system
2.   Interpersonal or group behavior of people in the organisation is influenced by a wide range of factors.
3.   The goal;s of the organisation are to be harmonized with an understanding of the human needs
4.   Multitude of attitudes, perceptions and values are prevalent amongst employees and these characterize their behavior and influence their performance
5.   As a result some degree of conflict is inevitable in the organisation and this need not be viewed undesirable

The behavioral approach recognizes the quality of leadership as a determining factor in management success. It focuses on group relationship and recognizes the role of individual psychology and group behavior in organisational effectiveness. It is thus an improved version of human relations approach.

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