Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Employment Agrrement

THIS DECLARATION is made the [date] day of [month] [year] By [name of the Employee], a [country] citizen holding passport number [passport number], of [address] (“Employee”).
A.                 Employee is an employee of [name of Employer], a company incorporated in [place] and having its registered office at [registered address] (“Employer”), a Unilever Group company.

B.                 Unilever Group companies own confidential information in relation to itself and has confidential information belonging or in relation to Other Parties.

C.                 In the course of Employee’s employment with Employer, Employee has obtained or may obtain and is aware or may be aware of Confidential Information and has created or may create works in which there may be Intellectual Property Rights.

D.                 Employee is agreeable to maintain the strictest confidentiality in respect of Confidential Information and acknowledge that certain Intellectual Property Rights belong to Employer, other Unilever Group companies or Other Parties (as the case may be) on the terms and conditions set out in this Declaration.

NOW this deCLARATION witnesseth AS FOLLOWS:

Employee agrees to comply with the provisions set out in the attached Employment Terms and Conditions on Confidential Information and Intellectual Property, and such provisions shall be deemed incorporated in and be part of this Declaration.

Employee declares that he/she has read and understood and has had the opportunity to take independent legal advice as regards the provisions of this Declaration.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF Employee has executed this Declaration.

Signed sealed and delivered by            )
[name of Employee]                            )



In this Declaration:

(a)        “Confidential Information” means any information written or otherwise:

(i)          which is proprietary or confidential to Employer or any other Unilever Group company including but not limited to any information concerning sales, marketing, distribution, analyses, compilations, forecasts, studies, audit, business plans, projects, business strategies or visions of Employer or any other Unilever Group company or its products, other information or documents prepared by or for Employer or any other Unilever Group company, methods, processes, products, inventions, designs, technical information, technical instructions, know-how, ingredients, recipes, formulae, specifications and any other information relating to any of the products, business, finance, sales or other aspect relating to Employer or any other Unilever Group company; or

(ii)        which Employer or any other Unilever Group company obtains or is aware of or which belongs to or relates to any Other Party, and in respect of which Employer or any other Unilever Group company may be subject to confidentiality or non-disclosure obligations express, implied or otherwise;

(b)        "Intellectual Property Rights" means patents, trade marks, design rights, copyright (including rights in computer software and databases), know-how and moral rights and other intellectual property rights, in each case whether registered or unregistered and including applications for, and the right to apply for, the foregoing and all rights or forms of protection having equivalent or similar effect to any of the foregoing which may subsist anywhere in the world;

(c)         “Other Party” means a person who is not Employee nor Employer or other Unilever Group company, and includes but is not limited to the customers, suppliers and distributors of Employer or any other Unilever Group company;

(d)        "Unilever Group" means Unilever PLC, Unilever N.V., and all companies in which either or both of them together directly or indirectly own or control the voting rights attaching to not less than 50% of the issued ordinary share capital, or control directly or indirectly the appointment of a majority of the board of management, and references to a member of the Unilever Group or a Unilever Group company shall be construed accordingly; where "Unilever PLC" is a corporation duly organised and existing under the laws of the United Kingdom with its registered address at Portsunlight, Wirral, Merseyside, CH62 4ZD United Kingdom and "Unilever N.V." , a corporation duly organised and existing under the laws of the Netherlands with its registered address at Weena 455, 3013 AL, Rotterdam, Netherlands; and

(e)        a “person” includes a person, firm, company, corporation, government, state or agency of a state or any association, trust or partnership (whether or not having separate legal personality) or two or more of the foregoing.


2.1       Employee acknowledges that the Confidential Information shall remain the sole and exclusive property of Employer, other Unilever Group companies or Other Parties (as the case may be), and that Employee shall not have any claim, right, title, property, license or other interest whatsoever in the Confidential Information.

2.2       Employee hereby represents, warrants and undertakes to Employer that:

(a)        Employee will maintain the strictest confidentiality in respect of the Confidential Information, comply with all policies, guidelines and rules of or practised by Employer or (where appropriate) any other Unilever Group company to protect the Confidential Information;

(b)        during his/her employment with Employer, Employee will forthwith report to Employer or relevant other Unilever Group company any events or circumstances which will or may jeopardise the safety or confidentiality of any Confidential Information;

(c)        subject to sub-Clause (a), Employee will not use any Confidential Information other than for the purposes of the business of Employer or relevant other Unilever Group company (as the case may be) and will not disclose any Confidential Information to any person (including other Unilever Group companies and other employees of Employer) except where such person has a need to know the Confidential Information for the purposes of the business of the Employee or other Unilever Group companies; and

[(d)Employee will ensure that every person to whom Confidential Information is disclosed by Employee, is fully aware of and will strictly comply with the provisions of this Declaration, provided always that nothing in this sub-Clause (d) shall be interpreted to permit Employee to disclose any Confidential Information other than in accordance with this Declaration.]

2.3       In the event that Employee becomes legally compelled to disclose any Confidential Information, Employee shall provide prompt written notice to Employer or relevant other Unilever Group company so that Employer, any other Unilever Group companies or Other Parties (as the case may be) may, if it so desires, obtain a protective order or other appropriate remedy. If Employee becomes legally compelled to disclose any Confidential Information, Employee shall disclose only that portion of the Confidential Information which Employee is legally required to disclose and shall exercise best efforts to obtain assurances that the recipient of such information will only disclose such information on the terms of this Declaration.

2.4       Notwithstanding anything in this Declaration, Employee shall not be in breach of his obligations under Clause 2.2 where the non-compliance with Clause 2.2 is not directly or indirectly due to or arising from any fraud, intentional non-compliance or negligence of Employee.  Where Employee alleges or relies on this Clause 2.4, Employee shall have the burden of proving that the non-compliance with Clause 2.2 is not directly or indirectly due to or arising from any fraud, intentional non-compliance or negligence of Employee.

Intellectual Property

3.1       Employee shall not gain by virtue of this Declaration or his employment by Employer any claim, right, title, property, license or other interest whatsoever in the Intellectual Property Rights owned by Employer, other Unilever Group companies or Other Parties (as the case may be).

3.2       Employee hereby acknowledges that (a) the Intellectual Property Rights in or to any creation, invention, discovery or material which he/she directly or indirectly, solely or jointly with any person, produces, develops, writes, creates or designs at any time in the course of or arising out of his/her employment by Employer or at the request of or substantially for the use of Employer, any other Unilever Group company or Other Party, are the exclusive property of Employer or such other Unilever Group company or Other Party as Employer may agree, and (b) Employer, such other Unilever Group company or Other Party has the sole and exclusive right to use, duplicate, implement and/or dispose of such Intellectual Property Rights and Employee shall not claim any proprietary rights in respect thereof.

3.3       Employee shall ensure that the Intellectual Property Rights referred to in Clause 3.2 shall be vested in or assigned absolutely to Employer or, at the direction of Employer, any other Unilever Group company or Other Party.  Employee shall at any time whether before or after termination or cessation of his employment by Employee, upon the request of Employer, do all such acts and things in order that such Intellectual Property Rights shall be vested in or assigned absolutely to Employer, such other Unilever Group company or Other Party (as the case may be).

3.4       Employee irrevocably appoints Employer and any person nominated by Employer to be his attorney in his name and on his behalf to sign execute or do any such instrument or thing and generally to use his name for the purpose of giving to Employer, any other Unilever Group company or Other Party the full benefit of the provisions of this Clause 3 with the right of Employer to substitute or appoint any person as Employee’s attorney in place of Employer.  Employee declares that all acts, things, deeds, instruments and documents done or executed on behalf of Employee by Employer, other attorney or any person nominated by Employer under this Clause 3.4 shall be as good valid and effectual to all intents and purposes whatsoever as if the same had been duly and properly done and executed by Employee and Employee undertakes to ratify and confirm all such acts, things, deeds, instruments and documents done or executed by virtue of the authority and power conferred under this Clause 3.4.

Return of Materials

Upon the termination or cessation of Employee’s employment with Employer, or at any time upon the request of Employer, Employee shall forthwith return to Employer (a) all written or tangible materials (including but not limited to documents, memoranda, notes and other writings, computer disks, tapes and printouts) containing or reflecting any Confidential Information and/or the Intellectual Property Rights referred to in Clause 3.2, without retaining any copies, summaries, analyses, notes or extracts thereof; and (b) all written or tangible materials (including but not limited to documents, memoranda, notes and other writings, computer disks, tapes and printouts) whatsoever which have been prepared by Employee in connection with Employer’s relationship with any Other Party, Employer’s performance of services for any Other Party and/or the Intellectual Property Rights referred to in Clause 3.2, without retaining any copies, summaries, analyses or extracts thereof, which are in Employee’s possession, custody or control and expunge all Confidential Information from any computer or electronic information retrieval system (other than the systems belonging to or used by Employer or any other Unilever Group company).  Upon receipt of written request from Employer or any other Unilever Group company, Employee shall promptly confirm in writing that he/she has complied with his obligations contained in this Clause 4.

Liability for Breach

5.1       Any breach by Employee of his obligations under this Declaration shall constitute a fundamental breach hereof and Employer shall be entitled forthwith to terminate Employee’s employment with Employer.

5.2       Employee acknowledges that any breach of this Declaration would injure Employer and other Unilever Group companies irreparably.  Accordingly, Employer, other Unilever Group companies or Other Parties (as the case may be) shall be entitled to specific performance and injunctive relief without proof of damage from any court in any jurisdiction in addition to full indemnity (including all legal costs and expenses) and all other remedies available at law or in equity.

5.3       The rights and remedies in this Declaration are cumulative and not exclusive of any rights and remedies provided by law or in equity.


6.1       This Declaration shall come into force on the date of this Declaration but shall apply to all Confidential Information disclosed to Employee and all Intellectual Property Rights referred to in Clause 3.2, from the date Employee first commenced work for Employer.

6.2       This Declaration shall be valid for two (2) years from the date of termination or cessation of Employee’s employment with Employer.

6.3       The obligations of confidentiality in this Declaration shall, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the parties:

(a)          in respect of Confidential Information described in Clause 1.1(a)(i), terminate at the end of three (3) years after the expiry of the two-year period referred to in Clause 6.2; and

(b)         in respect of Confidential Information described in Clause 1.1(a)(ii), terminate simultaneously with the termination of the obligations of Employer or other Unilever Group companies in relation to such Confidential Information.


7.1  Any waiver, consent or approval shall only be effective if given in writing and shall be effective only in the instance and for the purpose for which it is given.

7.2  Any consent or approval under this Declaration shall be required to be obtained before the act or event to which it applies is carried out or done.

7.3  Any consent or approval may be given or withheld by Employer or other Unilever Group company in its absolute discretion and upon such terms and conditions as Employer or other Unilever Group company may think fit and Employee shall ensure that such terms and conditions are strictly complied with.

7.4  No failure or delay by any party in exercising any of its rights under this Declaration shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise thereof preclude any further exercise thereof, or the exercise of any other right hereunder or otherwise.

ENTIRETY OF agreement AND Severability

8.1This Declaration together with the terms on confidentiality in Employee’s letter of employment with Employer constitutes the entire agreement between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof.

8.2If at any time, any provision of this Declaration is or becomes illegal, invalid or unenforceable, in any respect under any law of any jurisdiction, neither the legality, validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions nor the legality, validity or enforceability of such provisions under any law of any other jurisdiction shall in any way be affected or impaired.

Settlement of Disputes

9.1The parties agree to use their best endeavours to resolve any dispute arising from or relating to this Declaration through amicable consultations. 

9.2In the event that the parties are unable to resolve such dispute through consultations, such dispute shall be presented to the court in [                   ] and the parties hereby irrevocably submit to the jurisdiction of such court.

Applicable Laws

This Declaration shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [    ].

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