Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Service Agreement


Please read the instructions given below carefully before getting your bond typed

1.            A format of the service agreement / surety bond is enclosed with the Letter of Appointment.

2.            Two sureties are required to sign on the bond. The first surety has to be directly related to the employee (preferably Father, Mother, Brother or Sister). The second surety should be a govt. employee or must be employed in the private sector.

3.            In addition to the above sureties there should be on Witnesses. Sureties and witnesses cannot be the same people. The witnesses have to give their full name and complete postal addresses.

4.            The Employee and both the sureties have to sign on ALL the papers of the agreement.

5.            The sureties must attach attested photocopies of documents related to fixed assets with complete layout map, IT returns and monthly pay slips.

6.            Photograph of the Employee should be enclosed to the service agreement / surety bond


This agreement made at DELHI on this the -----day of ------Two Thousand Five  by and between --------               , a company registered under the Companies Act. 1956, having its Registered office at ---------------   Delhi -      . (Hereinafter referred to as the “Company”).


1.      Mr. / Ms.                                         aged about                 years, S/o, D/o.                                      Residing at                                (Hereinafter referred to as an “Employee”).

2.      Mr./Ms.                                 aged about          years, S/o. D/o.                          Residing at 
Occupation                      who is the                  of the Employee and is in the capacity of being a related surety promising and undertaking on personally having understood the contents hereof after having been explained the same by                      who has read and translated the same to enable the same to be understood by Mr./Ms……………… (Hereinafter referred to as the “Surety 1” for brevity); and

3.      Mr./Ms.                                     aged about         years, S/o. / D/o.          Residing at   
Occupation                        Government Service / Private Service, serving as                at the office of                  and drawing a monthly salary of Rs.            as evidenced by the salary certificate dated          issued by the                       who is the appropriate authority for the said issuance and Mr. / Ms.                           who, being familiar with and literate in English, has also read the contents hereof and on understanding the same chosen to affix his signature as additional surety hereto (hereinafter referred to as the “Surety 2” for brevity) (both the related surety and the other surety being jointly hereinafter referred to as “the Sureties” for brevity)

Signature of the                                  Signature of the                                  Signature of the
Employee.                                           Surety 1.                                              Surety 2.

WHEREAS the employee has agreed to work for the M/s.                                or its Clients or Associate Companies situated in India or Abroad and offered himself of his own free will and with the consent of the Sureties for rendering services as an employee which has been accepted by the company, which has therefore issued an Appointment Letter dated-----.

WHEREAS the employee in view of the above has further undertaken to serve the Company subject to the terms and conditions specified herein in addition to those specified in the Appointment Letter dated-----.

WHEREAS the Sureties have in consideration of the appointment of the said employee as above have agreed to stand guarantee for due fulfillment and observance of the terms and conditions specified herein and jointly and severally agreed to furnish the details of their properties with duly attested Photocopies and a duly sworn-in-affidavit relating to properties and other documents such as Income Tax Returns and Salary Certificates.


1.      To serve the Company for a minimum period of ONE YEAR as per the terms and conditions set out in the Appointment letter dated            issued by the company and duly accepted by the said employee.

2.      Notwithstanding to above said period of one year if an employee sent to abroad to serve the company or its clients or associate companies they should continue in the employment of the company till the completion of the assigned work/project etc. of the company or its clients or associate companies for which the concerned employee has been sent to abroad.

3.      Notwithstanding to above said period of one year when an employee returned to India after completing the abroad assignment, the employee must serve the company or its clients or associate companies for a minimum period of 6 moths after completion of the assignment abroad.

4.      To obey and to abide by the rules and regulations, service conditions and standing orders of the Company as may be in force from time to time, to comply with orders of his superiors issued from time to time and terms and conditions set out in the Appointment Letter dated…

5.      That in the event of his committing breach of any of the terms of this agreement, the Employee shall compensate the Company by paying to the Company the following amounts.

1)      Expenses towards fare for his travel and other allowances paid in connection with travel for the assignment at abroad and,

2)      Visa Processing and other administrative expenses incurred by the Company and,

3)      Liquidated damages of Rs.1,00,000/- (Rupees One Lakh) which represents a genuine estimate of damages that would reasonably be caused to the business of the Company on account of the said breach of agreement and,

4)      The salary paid in INR and held by the Company for the duration of the assignment at abroad and,

5)      Any other expenses relating to loss of man and machine hours which otherwise would have fetched a reasonable amount of profits to the business of the Company and,

Signature of the                                  Signature of the                                  Signature of the
Employee.                                           Surety 1.                                              Surety 2.


1.      The sureties hereby undertake to ensure due compliance of the terms and conditions of this Agreement by the Employee. The Sureties shall jointly and severally be liable along with the Employee jointly and / or severally for all amounts that the Employee may become liable to pay to the Company on account of breach of any of the terms and conditions of this agreement.

2.      Further, it is clearly understood that it shall not be necessary for the Company to proceed against the Employee to recover any amount that may become due by the Employee to the Company under this Agreement. Even without proceeding against the Employee, the company can directly proceed against the Sureties only and/or against the related Surety or the other Surety or either of any of three of them or against any two at its own and sole discretion.  The fact that the Company proceeds against one of them shall not discharge the liability of others to the Company under this agreement.

3.      The Company shall not be responsible for any interruption in or stoppage of the Employment as well as Service due to exigencies of work or for causes beyond its control.

4.      The conditions of appointment of the Employee with the Company as contained in the appointment letter issued by the Company.

5.      In case of any disputes arising out of this agreement or Appointment Letter, it shall be subject to the jurisdiction of appropriate Court at Delhi only.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF these presents are executed on the day and the year first above written.

(Signature, Name & Complete Address)                                               

1. Full Name and Signature of the Employee

2.Full Name and Signature of the Surety 1.                                                                             
  Full Name and Signature of the Surety 2.

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