Sunday, June 1, 2014

Describe Hawthorne experiment. Discuss the results of the Hawthorne experiment.

Hawthorne experiment was done by Elton Mayo and his colleagues at the Western Electric Company's plant in Cicero, Illiniois. Period of this experiment was 1927-32.
  • The Hawthorne experiment undergoes the following way:
  1. Illumination experiment : two groups( control & test group) worked under different levels of illumination  and it was found that production was affected by illumination
  2. Relay assembly test room: it now aimed at knowing the impact of factors such as the length of working day, relaxation intermission and their frequencies, duration and other physical conditions
  3. Interviewing programme: to identify the basic factors responsible for human behavior at work. More than 20000 workers were interviewed and revealed that the social relations  inside the organisation had a clear influence on their attitudes and behaviors.
  4. Bank wiring observation room: to find how payment incentives would affect productivity. this study was conducted by Elton Mayo and W Lloyd Warner between 1931 and 1932 on a group of 14 men who put together telephone switching equipment. they found that the productivity decreased because the workers were afraid that the company would lower down the base rate.

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