Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Questions with Answers on The Advertising Agency & New Age Promotional Media

Questions with Answers on The Advertising Agency
Explain the structure of an advertising agency.
Explain the Flow of work in an advertising Agency.
Discuss the Compensation and Client Agency relationship in an advertising agency.
Questions with Answers on Testing Advertising Effectiveness
What is Communication and sales Effectiveness in advertising?
What are the Various methods of Pre & Post testing in advertising?
Questions with Answers on The New Age Promotional Media
Explain the Integrating internet in the IMC programme.
Explain the communicating through websites.
What is Search Engine Marketing?
Explain the Banner advertisements, Blogs & Community Forum.
Explain the Marketing Communication through Social Media.
What is Merchandising and Mobile Advertising
Questions with Answers on Other Tools of Promotion
How to make Public Relations for promotion?
Explain the Publicity, Direct marketing, Sales Promotion and Event Marketing.

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