Tuesday, June 3, 2014

What is Recruitment, Selection & Induction?

Recruitment, selection and induction is process of finding, hiring and initiating employees. This is also referred to as full life-cycle recruiting. Most employers create and administer this process to ensure effective and efficient recruiting. This process is also implemented to ensure hiring managers comply with policies, such as affirmative action, equal opportunity employment and non-discrimination.
Job Description
Before a job opening is filled, the human resources department works with hiring managers to create a new job description, or ensure the job description for the job opening is current and accurate. Reviewing a job description when a job opens is an efficient procedure to continually improve an organization's structure, as well as evaluate competencies and wages for each position within the organization.

After the job description has been approved, the recruitment begins. Each organization has a different recruitment process, but it typically includes posting the job opening internally and externally. Jobs are posted on the organization's Internet site, Internet job boards, newspapers and industry professional organizations. Recruiting can also include representatives from the organization attending college and career fairs.
Candidates are selected to be interviewed based on their qualifications. Most employers will select several candidate's resumes that qualify for the position, and schedule those candidates for a basic phone interview. The interviewing process may include candidates taking assessments to evaluate their skills and personal characteristics as they relate to the job opening. From that group of candidates, the candidate pool is often narrowed to several candidates who will interview for the job opening by meeting hiring managers and other staff members at the organization.
After interviews are conducted, hiring managers and human resources personnel meet and select a candidate to offer the job to. The team carefully considers the candidates' qualifications, assessments and interviews to determine whom to offer the job. If hiring managers are not satisfied with any of the candidates, the recruiting process may start again. In most cases, the hiring team has the ability to select a candidate and a job offer is made. If the candidate declines the job offer, the recruiting process may start again.
When a candidate accepts the job offer, the induction process begins. Most organizations send the candidate a welcome package and employment contract to be signed and returned. A date for the new employee to start working for the organization is then determined.. After this information is received, applicable pre-employment screening, such as background and reference checking is completed. When all pre-employment information is verified and accepted, the candidate is informed and reports to the employer on the date and time selected. The new employee is then introduced to the organization

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