Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Define training and its process. What is the difference between training, development and education? What are the different methods of training?

Training is an organized activity aimed at imparting information and/ or information and/ or instructions to improve the recipient’s performance or to help him or her attain a required level of knowledge or skill.
Difference between Training, Development, Education
Training is directed at helping employees perform better on their current jobs, whereas development represents a future-oriented investment in employees. Training programs are considered to be designed to limit possible employee responses to those behaviors preferred by an employer. Education is considered a means by which the range of possible employee responses is increased rather than reduced. Education represents a broadening of the individual so that he or she may be prepared to assess a variety of situations and select the most appropriate response. Although many unskilled, semiskilled, and skilled positions primarily require training, supervisory and management positions require elements of education. Recently there has been a blurring of the distinction between training and education. Training programs have sought to broaden and develop the individual through education. For instance, employees in the service industries may be required to make independent decisions regarding their work and their relationships with clients. Hence, organizations should consider elements of both education and training when planning their training programs.
The Training Process
 1.Assess Objectives & Training Needs
An organization must first assess its objectives: what business are we in? What product or service do we wish to provide to customers? At what level of quality do we wish to provide this product or service? Once an organization has answered these and similar questions, an assessment of human resource requirements should be undertaken. Can our human resource provide the skills, knowledge, abilities, and other personal attributes that are necessary? To the extent that they may lack these attributes, training may be required. The assessment of training needs is perhaps the most important step in the process.
2 Select Trainees and Training Goals
After needs have been assessed, trainees must be selected and training goals established. Trainees should be selected with care, ensuring that they and the organization will benefit from their inclusion in the training program. The training goals should ensure that the assessed needs will be served.
3. Select Training methods and Trainers
Once training goals have been established, it is necessary to determine how to conduct the training. This includes the selection of training techniques and trainers for the program. Additionally, employees’ ability should be considered when designing the training program.
 Great care must be exercised in choosing effective instructors or trainers. Personal characteristics (such as the ability to speak well, to write convincingly, to organize the work of others, to be inventive, and to inspire others to greater achievements) are important factors in the selection f trainers. HR specialists or hired outside consultants who report to the HR manager or other top managers are also used to perform a needs analysis and to conduct the training. Although much formal training is performed by professional trainers, often operating supervisors may be the best trainers technically, especially if the training manager helps them prepare the material. Using operating managers as trainers overcomes the frequent criticism that “training is OK in the classroom, but it won’t work on the shop floor or back on the job.”
After that the program is run. That includes selection of content and methods to be used and the actual training method. In many situations a combination of instructional methods are used.
  Different methods of training:-
On-the-job training Probably the most widely used method of training is on the job training. It is estimated that more than 60% of training occurs on the job. The employees are placed in the real work situation and shown the job and the tricks of the trade by an experienced employee or the supervisor. One approach to systematic on the job training is the job instruction training (JIT) system developed during World War. In this system the trainers first train the supervisors, who in turn train the employees.
Case method One widespread technique is the case method, which uses a written description of a real decision-making situation in the organization or a situation that occurred in another organization. Managers are asked to study the case to identify the problems, analyze the problems for their significance, propose solutions, choose the best solution, and implement it. More learning takes place if there is interaction between the managers and the instructor.
Role-playing  Role playing is a cross between the case method and an attitude development program. Each person is assigned a role in a situation (such as a case) and asked to play the role and to react to other players’ role playing. The success of this method depends on the ability of the players to play the assigned roles believably. If done well, role playing can help a manager become more aware of and more sensitive to the feelings of others.
In-Basket Technique Another method used to develop managerial decision-making abilities is the in-basket technique. The participant is given materials (typically memos or descriptions of things to do) that include typical items from a specific manager’s mails, and a telephone list. Important and pressing matters, such as complaints by customers and a demand for a report from a supervisor, are mixed in with routine business matters, such as a request to speak at a dinner or a decision on the date of the company picnic four weeks hence. The trainee is analyzed and critique on the number of decisions made on the time allotted, the quality of the decisions, and the priorities chosen for making them. In order to generate interest, the in-basket materials must be realistic, job-related, and not impossible to make decision on.
Management Games management games describe the operating characteristics of a company, industry, or enterprise. These descriptions take the form of equations that are manipulated after decisions have been made. Management games emphasize development of problem solving skills. There are so many kinds of management games, such as computerized management game procedure, Looking Glass, Simmons Simulator, Financial Services Industry.
Behavior Modeling A development approach for improving interpersonal skills is behavior modeling, which is also called interaction management or imitating models. The key to behavior modeling is learning through observation or imagination. Thus modeling is a “vicarious process” that emphasizes observation. There are 4 steps in the process: 1. Modeling of effective behavior – often by use of films. 2. Role playing. 3. Social reinforcement – trainees and trainers praise effective role playing. 4. Transfer of training to the job.
Outdoor Oriented Programs Cases, games, modeling, and role playing, are still popular, but an increasingly popular form of development is outdoor or real-life, action-oriented programs. Leadership, teamwork, and risk-taking are top-priority items in the outdoor oriented programs.
4. Evaluation
At the same time, the means to evaluate the program must be established. The means selected for evaluation must be sensitive to the type of training conducted, the training techniques used, the training program goals and the initial training needs.

5 Monitoring
As training is being conducted, provision must be made for ensuring that the program is proceed as planned. Without monitoring the training process, it is possible that a well-designed training program may be conducted improperly or otherwise fail to accomplish its goals.
In sum, formal training and development have been shown to be more effective than informal or no training and development.

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