Tuesday, June 3, 2014

What is the difference between case study and role plaing methods of training?

Case study method One widespread technique is the case method, which uses a written description of a real decision-making situation in the organization or a situation that occurred in another organization. Managers are asked to study the case to identify the problems, analyze the problems for their significance, propose solutions, choose the best solution, and implement it. More learning takes place if there is interaction between the managers and the instructor.

Role-playing  Role playing is a cross between the case method and an attitude development program. Each person is assigned a role in a situation (such as a case) and asked to play the role and to react to other players’ role playing. The success of this method depends on the ability of the players to play the assigned roles believably. If done well, role playing can help a manager become more aware of and more sensitive to the feelings of others. Although role playing is a cross between the two, comparison of the general forms of role playing and the case method suggests a few differences between them

Following are the characteristics of case study method:
1. Presents a problem for analysis and discussion.
2. Uses problems that have already occurred in the company or elsewhere.
3. Deals with problems involving others.
4. Deals with emotional and attitudinal aspects in an intellectual frame of reference.
5. Emphasis is on using facts and making assumptions.
6. Trains in the exercise of judgments.
7.  Provides practice in analysis of problems.

Following are the characteristics of Role Playing method:

1. Places the problem in a real-life situation.
2. Uses problems that are now current or are happening on the job.
3. Deals with problems in which participants themselves are involved.
4. Deals with emotional and attitudinal.
5. Emphasis is on feelings.
6. Trains in emotional control.
7.  Provides practice in interpersonal skills. 

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