Monday, July 7, 2014

What are the latest innovations in the financial intermidiations?

Today, the importance of financial services is gaining momentum all over the world. In these days of complex finance, people expect a Financial Service Company to play a very dynamic role not only as a provider of finance but also as a departmental store of finance. With the injection of the economic liberation policy into our economy and the opening of the economy to multinationals, the free market concept has assumed much significance. As a result, the clients both corporate and individuals are exposed to the phenomena of volatility and uncertainty and hence they expect the financial service company to innovate new products and service so as to meet their varied requirements.
As a result of innovations, new instruments and new products are emerging in the capital market. The capital market and the money market are getting widened and deepened. Moreover, there has been a structural change in the international capital market with the emergence of new products and innovative techniques of operation in the capital market. Many financial intermediaries including banks have already started expanding their activities in the financial services sector by offering a variety of new products. As a result, sophistication and innovations have appeared in the arena of financial intermediations. Some of them are discussed below :
(i) Merchant Banking : A merchant banker is a financial intermediary who helps to transfer capital from those who posses it to those who need it. Merchant banking includes a wide range of activities such as management of customers securities, portfolio management, project counseling and appraisal, underwriting of shares and debentures, loan syndication, acting as banker for the refund orders, handling interest and dividend warrants etc. Thus, a merchant banker renders a host of services to corporate and thus promotes industrial development in the country.

(ii) Loan Syndication : This is more or less similar to ‘consortium financing’. But, this work is taken up by the merchant banker as a lead-manager. It refers to a loan arranged by a bank called lead manager for a borrower who is usually a large corporate customer or a Government Department. The other banks who are willing to lend can participate in the loan by contributing an amount suitable to their own lending policies. Since a single bank cannot provide such a huge sum as loan, a number of banks join together and form a syndicate. It also enables the members of the syndicate to share the credit risk associated with a particular loan among themselves.

(iii) Leasing : A lease is an agreement under which a company or a firm, acquires a right to make use of a capital asset like machinery, on payment of a prescribed fee called “rental charges”. The lessee cannot acquire any ownership to the asset, but he can use it and have full control over it. he is expected to pay for all maintenance charges and repairing and operating costs. In countries like the U.S.A., the U.K. and Japan equipment leasing is very popular and nearly 25% of plant and equipment is being financed by leasing companies. In India also, many financial companies have started equipment leasing business. Commercial banks have also been permitted to carry on this business by forming subsidiary companies.

(iv) Mutual Funds : A mutual fund refers to a find raised by a financial service company by pooling the savings of the public. It is invested in a diversified portfolio with a view to spreading and minimizing risk. The fund provides investment avenue for small investors who cannot participate in the equities of big companies. It ensures low risk, steady returns, high liquidity and better capital appreciation in the long run.

(v) Factoring : Factoring refers to the process of managing the sales ledger of a client by a financial service company. In other words, it is an arrangement under which a financial intermediary assumes the credit risk in the collection of book debts for its clients. The entire responsibility of collecting the book debts passes on to the factor. His services can be compared to a del credre agent who undertakes to collect debts. But, a factor provides credit information, collects debts, monitors the sales ledger and provides finance against debts. Thus, he provides a number of services apart from financing.

(vi) Forfeiting : Forfeiting is a technique by which a forfeitor (financing agency) discounts an export bill and pay ready cash to the exporter who can concentrate on the export front without bothering about collection of export bills. The forfeitor does so without any recourse to the exporter and the exporter is protected against the risk of non-payment of debts by the importers.

(vii) Venture Capital : A venture capital is another method of financing in the form of equity participation. A venture capitalist finances a project based on the potentialities of a new innovative project. It is in contrast to the conventional “security based financing”. Much thrust is given to new ideas or technological innovations. Finance is being provided not only for ‘start-up capital’ but also for ‘development capital’ by the financial intermediary.

(viii) Custodial Services : It is another line of activity which has gained importance, of late. Under this, a financial intermediary mainly provides services to clients, particularly to foreign investors, for a prescribed fee. Custodial services provide agency services like safe keeping of shares and debentures, collection of interest and dividend and reporting of matters on corporate developments and corporate securities to foreign investors.

(ix) Corporate Advisory Service : Financial intermediaries particularly banks have set up corporate advisory service branches to render services exclusively to their corporate customers. For instance, some banks have extended computer terminals to their corporate customers to that they can transact some of their important banking transactions by sitting in their own office. As new avenues of finance like Euro loans, GDRs etc. are available to corporate customers, this service is of immense help to the customers.

(x) Securitisation : Securitisation is a technique whereby a financial company converts its ill-liquid, non-negotiable and high value financial assets into securities of small value which are made tradable and transferable. A financial institution might have a lot of its assets blocked up in assets like real estate, machinery etc. which are long term in nature and which are non-negotiable. In such cases, securitisation would help the financial institution to raise cash against such assets by means of issuing securities of small values to the public. Like any other security, they can be traded in the market. it is best suited to housing finance companies whose loans are always long term in nature and their money is locked up for a considerable long period in real estates. Securitisation is the only answer to convert these ill-liquid assets into liquid assets.

(xi) Derivative Security : A derivative security is a security whose value depends upon the values of other basic variables backing the security. In most cases, these variables are nothing but the prices of traded securities. A derivative security is basically used as a risk management tool and it is resorted to cover the risk due to price fluctuations by the investments manager. Just like a forward contract which is a derivative of a spot contract, a derivative security is derived from other trading securities backing it. Naturally the value of a derivative security depends upon the values of the backing securities. Derivative helps to break the risks into various components such as credit risk, interest rates risk, exchange rates risk and so on. It enables the various risk components to be identified precisely and priced them and even traded them if necessary. Financial intermediaries can go for derivatives since they will have greater importance in the near future. In India some forms of derivatives are in operation.

(xii) New Products in Forex Market : New products have also emerged in the forex markets of developed countries. Some of these products are yet to make full entry in Indian markets. Among them, the following are the important ones :
(a) Forward Contracts : A forward transaction is one where the delivery of a foreign currency takes place at a specified future date for a specified price. It may have a fixed maturity for e.g. 31st May or a flexible maturity for e.g. 1st to 31st May. There is an obligation to honour this contract at any cost, failing which, there will be some penalty. Forward contracts are permitted only for genuine business transactions. It can be extended to other transactions like interest payments.
(b) Options : As the very name implies, it is a contract wherein the buyer of the option has a right to buy or sell a fixed amount of currency against another currency at a fixed rate on a future date according to his option. There is no obligation to buy or sell, but it is completely left to his option. Options may be of two types namely call options and put options. Under call options, the customer has an option to buy and it is the option to sell under put options. Options trading would lead to speculation and hence there are much restrictions in India.
(c) Futures : It is a contract wherein there is an agreement to buy or sell a stated quantity of foreign currency at a future date at a price agreed to between the parties on the stated exchange. Unlike options, there is an obligation to buy or sell foreign exchange on a future date at a specified rate. it can be dealt only in a stock exchange.
(d) Swaps : A swap refers to a transaction wherein a financial intermediary buys and sells a specified foreign currency simultaneously for different maturity dates-say, for instance, purchase of spot and sale of forward or vice versa with different maturities. Thus swaps would result in simultaneous buying and selling of the same foreign currency of the same value for different maturities to eliminate exposure risk. It can also be used as a tool to enter arbitrage operations, if any, between two countries. It can also be used in the interest rate market also.

(xiii) Lines of Credit (LOC) : It is an innovative funding mechanism for the import of goods and services on deferred payment terms. LOC is an arrangement of financing institution/bank of one country with another institution/bank/agent to support the export of goods and services to as to enable the importers to import no deferred payment terms. This may be backed by a guarantee furnished by the institution/bank in the importing country. The LOC helps the exporters to get payment immediately as soon as the goods are shipped, since, the funds would be paid out of the pool account with the financing agency and it would be debited to the account of the borrower agency/importer whose contract for availing the facility is already approved by the financing agency on the recommendation of the overseas institution. It acts as conduct of financing which is for a certain period and on certain terms for the required goods to be imported. The greatest advantage is that it saves a lot of time and money on mutual verification of bonafides, source of finance etc. It serves as a source of forex.

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