Monday, July 7, 2014

What is the necessity of Financial Innovation?

Financial intermediaries have to perform the task of financial innovation to meet the dynamically changing needs of the economy and to help the investors cope with an increasingly volatile and uncertain market place. There is a dire necessity for the financial intermediaries to go for innovation due to the following reasons:

(i) Low profitability : The profitability of the major financial intermediary, namely the banks has been very much affected in recent times. There is a decline in the profitability of traditional banking products. So, they have been compelled to seek out new products which may fetch high returns.

(ii) Keen competition : The entry of many financial intermediaries in the financial sector market has led to severe competition amount themselves. This keen competition has paved the way for the entry of varied nature of innovative financial products so as to meet the varied requirements of the investors.

(iii) Economic Liberalisation : Reform of the financial sector constitutes the most important component of India’s programme towards economic liberalization. The recent economic liberalization measures have opened the door to foreign competitors to enter into our domestic market. Deregulation in the form of elimination of exchange controls and interest rate ceilings have made the market more competitive. Innovation has become a must for survival.

(iv) Improved communication technology : The communication technology has become so advanced that even the world’s issuers can be linked with the investors in the global financial market without any difficulty by means of offering so many options and opportunities. Hence, innovative products are brought into the domestic market in no time.

(v) Customer Service : Now-a-days, the customer’s expectations are very great. They want newer products at lower cost or at lower credit risk to replace the existing ones. To meet this increased customer sophistication, the financial intermediaries are constantly undertaking research in order to invent a new product which may suit to the requirement of the investing public. Innovations thus help them in soliciting new business.

(vi) Global impact : Many of the providers and users of capital have changed their roles all over the world. Financial intermediaries have come out of their traditional approach and they are ready to assume more credit risks. As a consequence, many innovations have taken place in the global financial sector which have its own impact on the domestic sector also.

(vii) Investor awareness : With a growing awareness amongst the investing public, there has been a distinct shift from investing the savings in physical assets like gold, silver, land etc. to financial assets like shares, debentures, mutual funds etc. Again, within the financial assets, they go from ‘risk free’ bank deposits to risky investments in shares. To meet the growing awareness of the public, innovation has become the need of the hour.

Financial Engineering
Thus, the growing need for innovation has assumed immense importance in recent times. This process is being referred to as financial engineering. Financial engineering is the lifeblood of any financial ability. “Financial engineering is the design, the development and the implementation of innovative financial instruments and processes and the formulation of creative solutions to problems in finance”.

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